今天在樹上,明天在你家!尖上的 青春果實~橙蜜香蕃茄…..
kaohsiung Cherry Tomato gold sweet
kaohsiung-Cherry Tomato gold sweet
尖上的 青春果實~橙蜜香蕃茄
美濃橙蜜香小蕃茄 由高雄美濃二代返鄉型農聯合耕作! 符合生產履歷流程紀錄及管理的美濃澄蜜香蕃茄,
由一群懷抱共同理想的二代農夫種植, 產地直送的橙蜜香小蕃茄,在冬季裡晶橙飽滿風味絕佳無比!
黃澄澄外衣小番茄有如天之驕子,型農朋友們歷經千辛萬苦, 細心呵護,不使用化學的除草劑,
所以每天辛苦的除草絲毫不嫌累, 將農場環境保持乾淨整潔,減少病蟲害,面對氣候變遷的不確定,
甚至還要親手大量捨棄好吃甜滋滋但卻因多雨造成的裂果果實, 也請大家一定要好好珍惜手中
這萬中選一的好果子, 希望也能開心地與家人、親友、同事一起分享!
Cherry Tomato: Health Benefits
Whether you refer to a tomato as a fruit or a vegetable, there is no doubt that a tomato is a nutrient-dense,
super-food that most people should be eating more of.
Nutritional profile of tomatoes
Tomatoes are a rich source of vitamins A and C and folic acid. Tomatoes contain a wide array of beneficial nutrients and antioxidants,
including alpha-lipoic acid, lycopene, choline, folic acid, beta-carotene and lutein.
Client:Fangjing Cooperative
Design:Arrow Advertising/ Eye David / Shao En
Photo:Tsao Wei-Huan