臺灣獼猴生態與共處之道~不接觸、不餵食、不干擾 「三不」 人猴和諧共存
Keep the ‘Wild’ in Wildlife: Don’t Touch or Feed
不接觸、不餵食、不干擾 「三不」 人猴和諧共存
Keep the ‘Wild’ in Wildlife: Don’t Touch or Feed
The Formosan rock macaque, also known as the Taiwanese macaque, is the only primate native to Taiwan.
Shoushan, a hill in southern Taiwan’s Kaohsiung city, is their best-known habitat.
The increasing interaction between humans and monkeys does not bode well, which is why when you see a monkey, kindly refrain from feeding them for all the right reasons. As big an animal lover as you may be, when you feed wild animals, you risk their lives and increase their codependency on humans, diminishing their natural survival instinct.
By law, it is a punishable offence to feed a wild animal which is why when you feed a monkey (for any reason whatsoever!), you are directly inviting a hefty fine and risking the life of an animal.
Please do not feed monkeys as you contribute to the increasing incidents of conflict and deplete their natural instinct to survive in the wild.
Client: 高雄市政府農業局
Design:Gene Ho / EDD
Photo: EDD / Tsao Wei-Huan